Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Why do you want to get married?

Answer:why do you want to (did you) get married?

Hello! I've been away traveling Europe. I'm back now and looking forward to continuing this exchange of consciousness with you.



Anonymous said...

I think it is the way that it is meant to be for me. You see, while I love my independence and my solitary ways...i really would like to have children.

It can be argued that to produce children all you need is a donor; however i'm not into the whole donor thing simply because i don't want to do the task alone. so that's why i'd like to get married.

of course, i'd like someone to be a witness to my life. the good things, the bad things, and the in-between things.

Unknown said...

Because I know who I want to spend the rest of the life with.

Because I want someone to be there for me for the good and the bad, and be there for someone else.

Anonymous said...

because the person i love wants to, and i don't want to lose them

Anonymous said...

because i have my perfect dress in mind. i've planned out my wedding day in every detail, and i'm 17.

i think that's the only reason.